The Full Story
We have always wanted to start something that we could one day be proud of and would make people
happy at the same time. We didn’t realize what started out as a simple hobby could turn into something
as special as The Greenehouse Candles.
It all started in 2008 when a brief interest in making candles was sparked. But it wasn’t until three years
later that the interest grew. Some dear friends of ours had a small candle business. They decided to
close their business and invited us over for a crash course in candle making. They even gave us all their
unused products and necessary equipment, including the homemade melting pot, and the scents and
colors needed for the candles.
Four more years went by before we took any other steps for candle making. In 2015 we placed our first
order for soy candle wax, but it sat in our kitchen for the next two years.
Finally, in September 2017 –nine years after we first became interested in candles—we began to try our
hand at candle making. Our son came in from a frustrating day at work, put our feet to the fire and said,
“Let’s do this candle business!”
We needed to come up with a name, so since our last name is Greene and the candles were made from
inside of our house, it was obvious the name should be The Greenehouse Candles. We’ve made several
changes to our labels and jars through the years. We even tweaked the formula and perfected it to
make a good, affordable product that our customers can enjoy for years to come. One thing we haven’t
changed is using white candles so that they will match any room and décor.
God surely has blessed this simple hobby. We definitely would not be where we are today without His
So, when you need a candle for whatever purpose…
Come to our “House”
The Greenehouse Candles